In a deep-deep forest , there was a village…
Malin Kundang House…………
Malin Kundang House was seizure by lowcourt
Bundo : “ what..? ,the value of share in our enterprises was down..?. Oooch
my money….my money…,oh my god…….!!!!!. No,it’s not true it’s I’mpossible , it’s just a dream… . ” (with the confused face,she was sit down on the sofa).
Malin : (he come without knock the door , with tired face, because he just
come from the office) , “ enough Bundo , don’t cry…this is our
fate Bundo..!!! ”
Bundo : “you say this is our fate Malin ..!!!,you are crazy..!!! , do you know
Malin..? , our enterprises the only thing your father has given to you when he lived.Where did we lived if the enterprises damage…??? ”
Suddenly, come two person from lowcourt, they were seizure Malin Kundang house…
Bundo : “hey who are you..???. What did you do to my house..??? .“Hey
stop…!!!stop…!!! ” (Bundo try to throw out them,but they don’t
care what she said,they really her house).
Malin : “enough Bundo….!!! enough…!!! is not good if you angry..!!!,it’s so shy
Bundo with our neighbour…!!!”
Bundo : “Malin ,we are so poor person now , we don’t have anything. ”
(finally Bundo and Malin prepare to go from their luxurious house
and then they stay in the old hut).
In the hut…
Malin : “oh my good , now I don’t have a job, ooohh I know, how about
looking for a job in the Majapahit kingdom?but….,how about
Bundo?ahhh,I must have to try that…” (because he afraid with his mothers feel , finally he was go in the Majapahit kingdom without his mother permit and he have to cut off write some letter and leaving it on the table.)
Bundo : “what is it? what? a letter? ” (after she read a letter,she was
very sad).
Bundo : “ooooohhhhhhh Malin………, why do you leave Bundo here ???
how cruel you are, let me alone ……. ,ooooh Malin my
son…,okay if that I will follow you to go Majapahit. ”
Once upon a tI’me in Majapahit kingdom ,it’s very luxurious and beautiful kingdom.
There lived a king,his name is Joko Tingkir,he have 99 wifes,but he have daughter only,her namr is Cleopatra,she is very beautiful and shalehah girl,it’s so different with her father personality.He is arrogant and so cruel.
Joko Tingkir : (he is wake up from his sleep) “Rapunzel don’t leaving me in here…”
Rapunzel : “I can never live in this world without you beside me…”
Cleopatra : “daddy…daddy…whats wrong with you?, Wake up … wake up …,say
istighfar daddy… . ”
Joko Tingkir : “Cleo…,where is the 100th my wife? follow her don’t let she go…!!!”
Cleopatra : “ daddy, which is wife? ,You don’t have wife like Rapunzel. ”
Joko Tingkir : “aaahhh I don’t care with you!!! ,i have to get her whatever my
way…!!! .I have to get her…!!!” (he tought to come at Mak
Erot the master of supranatural and magical world).
Joko Tingkir : “yeah,right…Mak Erot,she can help me…”
“Ha…ha…ha… Mak Erot. ”
Another place,Cleopatra is walking near a Majapahit kingdom and finally Bundo to till in Majapahit Kingdom
Bundo : “ help………help………help me , please ! I’m very hungry and thirsty.”(mother droping languid not force).
Cleopatra : “ Mrs,why? where are you go? ”
Bundo : “ my child,please help me!!!,I’m shore line from Medan City . I want to find my son to Majapahit. ”
Cleopatra : “ Mrs,would you follow me to my house? may be I can help you on there.but sorry if my house is ugly, it just based land and roofed. ”
Bundo : “ No problem ,I’m poor people too.(then Cleopatra bring the Mrs to the kingdom).astagfirullah my child who’s house this is? ”
Cleopatra : “coming please!, Mrs…….do you like to be my caretaker?
I’m longing to have a mother. My mother has been die when my age 5 years. ”
Bundo : (embracing a Cleopatra), “ok my child…I ready to it. ”
Mak Erot : “ ha…ha…finally you coma too Joko! Is rapunzel steal your heart? it’s right Joko? ”
Joko Tingkir : “ hah… how you can know it Mak? ”
Mak Erot : “ are you stupid? Mak… Mak… , call me Mrs erot not emak .Don’t call me Mrs erot if I can’t guess your feel. Ha…ha…ha… .Sangkuriang……..Sangkuriang……” (Mak Erot calling Sangkuriang).
Sangkuriang : “ oh yes, what happen mother? ”
“ wait for minute mother! ”
Mak Erot : “ bring the flour, dupa, kemenyan, sarung and magical box, hurry!!! ”
Sangkuriang : “ ok mother!!! ”
Then Mak Erot bathing a Joko Tingkir and suddenly…
Mak Erot : “ Sangkuriang ,open the magical box !!!! ”
Sangkuriang : ” oh my god thi is a people or angel,how very beautiful his facewonder a king madly in love to him. ”
Rapunzel : “ where am I? who are you? ”
Sangkuriang : “ now you there is in Mrs erot cottage. ”
Rapunzel : “ who is Mrs erot? help revert me to my world!!!i don’t live in here!!! ”
Sangkuriang : “you are follow me! ” (he draw rapunzel’s body and bring him
to the tower)
And then Sangkuriang followed the king went to the castle.
Sangkuriang : “wow I think that girl very beautiful…,may be she is kigs daughter.
If I can married with her,I can to be a king. ha…ha…ha….”
(then comes Cleopatra with bring foods and drinks)
Cleopatra : “ happit please sir!!! (with in instant, Sangkuriang open the
Cleopatras veil) ”
Sangkuriang : “ wow you are very…very beautiful !!! ”
Cleopatra : “ please dot do it sir ,we are not mukhrim.I’m not halal for you !!!.
Sangkuriang : “ aaahhhh I don’t care about halal and haram beautiful girl,definite
I like you!!! ”
Cleopatra : “ I’m sorry sir ! i don’t like you…!!!”
Sangkuriang : “ Cleopatra , wait for me please ! what’s wrong with me?
Handsome, yes certain,I same with Pasha Ungu,Tom Cruishe and
twice with David Archuleta . ”
Cleopatra : “ you are handsome???subhanallah!!!,sorry you are not handsome. ”
Beside that , when the peacefull situation, Rapunzel go down from minaret and walked in the forest , and then she hear voice said help.
Malin : “ help…help…”
Rapunzel : (run away near to Malin) “ what happen with you???,oh no you are
Malin just amazed look a beautifuls Rapunzel.
Rapunzel : “ hi… answer me please!!!”
Malin : “ I’m hurt because the tiger attack me. ”
Rapunzel : “how poor you are !!! ,I think he is theprincess who I want.he’s very
handsomeand he’s nice.i can to guess from he’s attitude I think I’m
falling in love with him”
And then Rapunzel bring Malin to the street . suddenly…
Sangkuriang : “Rapunzel where are you?, I need you Rapunzel”
Rapunzel run away to the tower. Then Cleopatra to find Malin Kundang’s body to lie back in the middle road,then she to take care Malin Kundang until recovered.
After a week he to faint ,then he realize something …
Malin : “ Bundo? ”
Malin : (Hold her hand and wake up from his sleep) “Bundo , what is it a
dream??? ”
Bundo : “ no my child,this real,thanks dear to Cleopatra ,she already to
saviour your live. ”
Malin : “ thanks Cleo, how kindly you are and I already fall in love to
you,you suitable teo be my wife? ”
Unpredictable,behind their ,there was Joko Tingkir ,and then he to near them…
Joko Tingkir : “ yes,I really agree with their wedding . ”
Cleopatra : “ father is it true ??? ”
Joko Tingkir : “All right Malin , I ready to become your wife , but with full of you
must to lead this kingdom substitute my father. ”
And then they married.
That wedding news so to smash Rapunzel’s heart,Rapunzel cannot cancel her tears, she very disappointed prince that always in her dream was married.
Suddenly… She hear to ery Cleopatra ,she very surprised.
Rapunzel : “ what?,Cleopatra to be here ? what are you doing here ? what
happen with her ? ”
Beside that…
Sangkuriang : “ come on , lets go!!! ”
Cleopatra : “ no,what are you doing to me??? ”
Sangkuriang : “ aahhh,quite you!!!,you already make my heart broken…”
Finally coming Malin Kundang ,Bundo ,and Joko Tingkir they would save Cleopatra’s live. Rapunzel is very happy because she can meet with the princes her dream man…but…beside that she aware that her princes have married with Cleopatra.
Rapunzel : “ oh my princes…,how happy I’m when I look at you! do you know I very love you…but why you leave me alone here…!!! ”
And then Cleopatra coming
Cleopatra : “ Rapunzel…do you love my husband? I never guess, there is a woman who suffer because my wedding. ”
Rapunzel is really shock when she look at behind
Rapunzel : “ oh…so sorry Cleopatra I’m don’t mean to hurt you !!! ”
While in outside haven fight between Joko Tingkir versus Sangkuriang.
Joko Tingkir : “ you ….Sangkuriang!i don’t guess you will do this everything. ”
Sangkuriang : “ ha…ha…!hi Joko! We are human despised so you cant to insuit me! ”
Joko Tingkir : “ what do you mean? ”
Sangkuriang attack Joko Tingkir. While that Make rot is busy with her best magic formula.
Cleopatra : “ don’t kill my husband!!!! ” (cleopatra’s body to get in the way Malin Kundang’s body ) . “aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh…………..” (the Mak Erot’s power magic hit the Cleopatra’s body).
Malin : “ oooohhh my wife…don’t leave me !!! ” (malin kundan embrance cleopatra’s body).
Rapunzel : “ I’m so sorry Cleopatra,I’m never to hope you passed away!”
Malin : “ you are the girl who save my live! ” (while to gaze at Rapunzel).
Cleopatra : “ honey … way a moment…I have to leave you…,before I go I want you marry with Rapunzel .i’m sure she is your true love. Honey you life must go onwithout me…”,”laailaahaillallah……………………….”
Finally Rapunzel have a married with Malin Kundang and life happy until ever after….
di terbitkan oleh angga bagus prasetya
Label: english
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1 komentar:
woow...!it,s so funny man!
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